How to run your business AND manage your social media marketing
Is it actually possible to run your social media and run your business?
With the growing number of social media networks and the increased demand for posting on each network - think lives, stories, static posts, reels, IGTV, etc. -- how are entrepreneurs supposed to actually run their businesses while also handling the HUGE responsibility of social media?
If it's not in your budget to hire an agency like mine, you absolutely need a plan for streamlining your social media marketing.
Here's where to start...
First networks first
Not all networks are created equally, and different businesses have different types of success on each social media network.
To start, determine where you are currently seeing the most success for your business.
And, if you don't mind, for most businesses we should be defining success as sales or revenue rather than likes or engagements.
Engagement may feel good, but it doesn't pay the bills.
Which social media network is truly driving the most revenue?
FOCUS on that network first.
(PSSSST! If you have no idea which social media networks are driving revenue please subscribe to my newsletter or join my Facebook group for female entrepreneurs. Understanding digital marketing and exactly how it drives business is one of the most important things you can do as an entrepreneur. If you don't have a handle on that, stay connected with me as I'm constantly sharing tools aimed at helping you really master digital marketing.)
Go all in on the networks that drive revenue!
This is a conversation about streamlining not an argument for the importance of multiple social media networks so in the interest of getting the MOST bang for your business, focus on the networks that are driving revenue to maximize your marketing potential.
Take a hard look at what's working and what's not working.
It may be time for you to abandon some social media networks that you previously invested time and effort in.
I know it can be hard, but again, everything I share here is about simplicity and achieving maximum results for a minimum effort so that you can truly have it all as an entrepreneur.
For example, I recently abandoned some of my Twitter accounts.
Here's why: Even though I'd grown thousands of followers over the years, I just wasn't seeing adequate return on investment any longer to warrant continuing to post on this network. That may not be the case for you, but for several of my accounts, it certainly was.
I also drastically changed my Facebook strategy.
I can remember when Facebook was the most important social media network for my business, but no longer.
Now my Facebook strategy is based on much less frequent posting with more significant ad spend because that is what makes sense in light of the way that Facebook's algorithms currently work.
Stop the scroll
One of the best ways that you can maximize your return on investment with social media is to minimize the amount of time you spend scrolling.
It's easy to tell yourself that it's all in the name of research and you just need to see what the others in your industry are doing but I have been right where you are and I know the truth.
A little bit of research turns into far too many minutes wasted on consuming posts that are not useful to your business and perhaps, even worse, falling victim to comparison and competition.
Tip: You can invest in a software such as Sprout Social which allows you to do all posting and community management from the Sprout Social dashboard. This frees you up to delete social media apps from your phone; the time you save, I promise you, will be unbelievable.
Have a clear posting strategy
Now that you've gotten clear on the networks that are actually driving your revenue, have a clear posting strategy that you can follow. At my social media agency, Oak Street Social, we set out a calendar for our clients which we follow religiously, only making changes when needed for important current events or unexpected announcements.
There's probably nothing worse than sitting down in front of your laptop or grabbing your phone because you know you need to post but you don't have a clue about what you want to say or what you want to post about.
That's why having an outline of the type of content that's important to your business and how often you're going to cover that content is a life saver.
Budget a set amount of time for your social media efforts and stick to it
For my personal feeds, having a plan also makes my life easier and more efficient.
For example, I have a note on my phone that covers topics that I want to share with you for the next 4 to 8 weeks.
Each week I have a simple plan which includes creating an Instagram reel/Tik Tok, a blog post, a Facebook live & Instagram live simultaneously-- which can also be shared permanently as an IGTV video -- a static post and an email.
I have allotted two hours a week to completing everything in this plan because that is all of the time I can dedicate to my social media presence while also finding time to run my businesses, participate fully in my family, be a good partner to my husband, find time for adventures and personal fitness, plus self-care. Two hours TikTok, Insta and Facebook - that's all I have for you.
Having all that you want in this life becomes possible when you learn to focus your time and efforts on the things that pay off and minimize distractions and time suckers that don't get you to your destination.
And on that note, the 30 minute timer I set for writing this blog is about to go off and I've got a couple of kids and a trampoline in the backyard calling my name. Time for me to bounce.
For more help uncomplicating everything in your business so you can truly have it all, join me LIVE most every Tuesday on Facebook and Instagram at 12 PM CT.