How to Manifest Success in Your Business

The words in this book will change your life….
Don’t believe me yet? I hear you. Sometimes a headline that claims that something can “change your life” and “get you feeling like your best self” is sometimes a bit skeptical. (Alright, A LOT skeptical).
But here’s where I come in.
I want to share my own, personal story and for you to see just how much this book has changed. my. life.
And before you ask, no. This is no B.S. This is a real-life story from a real-life woman:
A few months ago I started doing something I've never done before….
As part of a commitment to #manifest exactly what I want in this life, I started writing down the things I wanted to attract.
Guess what happened next? I started getting them!
I'm no Gabrielle Bernstein (though I did take her 30 day #manifestation challenge), but if you trying to manifest and haven't quite managed to master it, here's what has worked for me to manifest everything from $25,000 in the bank to something even harder to acquire… an apology from my husband.
1. Write down 5 to 10 things you WANT to manifest in your life.
2. Write down 5 to 10 things you are grateful have in your life now.
3. Write down 5 things you have received in the past that you're grateful for.
Now, you simply go to the list you've written down and thank the universe, expressing #gratitude for the things you have now, the things you've received previously, and the things you intend to manifest. However, you want to thank the universe as if you have IT ALL in the current moment.
This is such a rewarding exercise to do in the morning to start your day. Not only is it a #manifesting exercise, but it will help you deal with anxiety, it will help you live in gratitude, and it will help you change the narrative with which you view your life.
Now, go back to the first line of this post… believe me now?
This book is all about what YOU put into it. It’s not a book to tell you how to live your life. Nope. This book is written by you, for you.
What are your thoughts on manifesting? Are you willing to try something new? Share your concerns or comments below…