Off Topic: Life lessons at 51

Wrapping up our Florida vacation with an early birthday party.
I am learning a few things on the way to turning 51…
I went paddle boarding for the first time. I was scared to death because, ya know, Florida alligators, but I survived and loved it.
✨Facing my fears is transformative. ✨
I have a large and close-knit family. Everyone has opinions, of course! No matter what happens around me, I am in charge of the energy I bring to the room. That’s a lot of power… and a lot of responsibility.
✨ I am the only one who’s in charge of how I feel. My vibes are on me. ✨
We spotted an older man in the neighborhood we were visiting who had fallen down on the side of the road, so we stopped to help.
Almost every human being who walked by also stopped and tried to help in some capacity, as did many of the cars passing by.
✨When I look for it, there’s so much evidence of the kindness of others.✨
I tried to find time to do morning walks, affirmations, and some meditating. All the stuff that I know really affects my mindset.
I woke up one morning and I just felt so happy and blessed and GRATEFUL.
And honestly, I feel like I’m not supposed to say that. Or, at the very least, it’s “cringey” to admit that, as my teenagers would say, and yet…
✨I’m experimenting with the idea that falling in love with my life is EXACTLY what I am here to do. ✨
For me, that means finding joy in little things, occasional random twirls, saying “yes!” more often, singing out loud, and laughing unabashedly… all of which is sure to embarrass my kids. But that’s just a bonus.